Monday, January 11, 2016

Valentines Stampin' Up! Style

I found the design of these cards in the 2016 Occasions Catalog, but didn't have the same Designer Series Paper as was used, so I found the next best one, Birthday Bouquet.  One of the most common themes/reasons people say they don't want to be a demonstrator is that they are "not creative".  I completely understand this thought.  When I began stamping with my sister many moons ago I felt like I had not a creative bone in my body.  I joined her stamp club to find out how to use the products, but I felt like her "creations" were always WAY better than mine.  Sound familiar?  As the years have passed I've become aware that we all have the potential to be creative.  If you've ever watched a child you know that creativity abounds in them, whether it be with music, coloring, creating games to play, etc.  I feel we all have the innate ability to create.  It's one of those gifts we are given in life.  What I've also found is that through daily regimens of work, appointments, getting our children to and from their various activities, making sure that personal relationships are cared for, our homes are cared for, and on, and on, and on, a lot of time we lose that sense of self, of who we are and what we're about. It's almost like we're set on auto-pilot just so we can get through one day, and onto the next.  We get into the mode of chasing after our dreams instead of realizing we are actually existing in our dreams, creating our dreams, swimming in our dreams.  With that being said, once I realized this, I set out on a lifelong journey to focus on the moment, to revel in the experience of the moment.  My creativity is very much present.  It may not always be what I feel it should be, but that's something I'm still working on.  It's okay to NOT be able to "create" all the time.  With all of the creative minds in our world it's important to share and consume ideas.  We must feed our need.  At the end of the day, know that it is always okay to realize someone else's idea and run with it, tweak it, share it.  It's all good.  Enjoy your moments and the creativity will flow:)  That's my thought for the day.  Enjoy your gift of creativity.  --Tammie

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